Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sure, I like ants. I admire their determination and hard work. BUT I DON'T WANT THEM IN MY KITCHEN! Please little ants, go look for food somewhere else.

I am not a friend of expensive store bought products, I dislike their price tag, but more than anything, I dislike that they're not eco-friendly. 

So what do I do? I now spray a mix of vinegar, tea tree oil and a little water. This stuff is magic, seriously. 

Yesterday ants were having a great time in my kitchen/dining room so I sprayed some of my magic mixture (which I usually use as a cleaner) on HALF of the area they were invading (I didn't spray all the area because I have 4 kids, remember? someone cried or fell or something so I had to leave job unfinished). The point is, that, when I came back to finish spraying there was NOT ONE ant on the area where I had already sprayed!!! Not one, well yeah, maybe some but they were dead, so I didn't mind. Anyway, I grabbed my magic mixture and this time, I sprayed EVERYWHERE! 

This morning there have been no ants whatsoever in my kitchen :D

There you have it! A safe, eco-friendly and budget friendly way to get rid of ants :)

How to make it:

1 cup of water
Half cup of vinegar
A few drops of Tea Tree Oil 

Put everything in a spraying bottle and show those little ants who's the sheriff of this town.

Next time, I'll tell you how to kill their queen and get rid of them f-o-r-e-v-e-r


Ps. I bought a 2 oz jar of Tea Tree Oil at Target, it was around 8 bucks. 

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